The Ranger's Vow: A Tale of Friendship and Forest Protection

Once upon a time in a land far away,
Lived a young ranger, strong and brave every day.
He made a vow to protect the forest from harm,
And keep all the creatures safe from all alarm.

One day, he met a friar, who loved to jest and play,
He wore a garland of flowers, and danced every which way.
He warned the ranger of corrupt forces at bay,
That would interfere with nature and take it all away.

The ranger was worried, for he loved the forest so true,
And decided to learn archery, so he'd know what to do.
Ere long, he was skilled and could shoot with great aim,
And the friar and ranger became friends, just the same.

They sought the abbot, a wise man of great renown,
Who gave them counsel to keep the forest safe and sound.
Together they fought, and drove away the corrupt,
And the forest flourished, with nature's beauty erupt.

The ranger kept his vow, and the friar kept his jest,
And the garland of flowers, was now nature's best.
The abbot's wisdom guided them, and gave them great power,
And the forest thrived, in all its glory and grandeur.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about "The Ranger's Vow":

  1. What did the ranger vow to do, and why was it important?
  2. Who did the ranger and the friar seek help from when they learned about the corrupt forces threatening the forest?
  3. What did the abbot advise the ranger and the friar to do to protect the forest?
  4. How did the ranger's archery skills help him and his friends in their quest to protect the forest?
  5. What qualities did the ranger, the friar, and the abbot demonstrate in their efforts to save the forest?
  6. What was the significance of the garland of flowers worn by the friar?
  7. How did the story make you feel, and what did you learn from it?

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