The Great Athletic Adventure

Come gather 'round, young ones, and listen with care

For a tale of athletes who dared to share

Their skills in a competition, a grand ceremony

Of strength, speed, and grace, oh how phony!

First up is the gymnast, so nimble and light

Who performs with such poise, a wondrous sight

She flips and she twirls, with a dash of great skill

A true champion, who makes every move thrill

Next up is the athlete, who runs with such speed

A marathoner, who never gives up or concedes

He pushes himself to the limit, with every stride

And crosses the finish line, with great pride

Then comes the pentathlon, a fierce dual of might

Where competitors clash, in a glorious fight

They swim and they run, they shoot and they fence

Each scenario, a chance to showcase their immense

Finally, we end with a grand ceremony

Where all the athletes come together in harmony

To celebrate their achievements, and cheer for each other

As they stand tall, like sisters and brothers

So young ones, take heart, and remember this tale

Of the athletes who dared, to compete and not fail

May their spirit inspire you, to follow your dreams

And achieve great things, no matter how hard it seems.


  1. Which athlete did you find the most impressive, and why?
  2. What did you think of the pentathlon, where competitors had to participate in different sports?
  3. How did the athletes feel after completing their competitions?
  4. What can we learn from the athletes' determination and perseverance?
  5. Have you ever participated in a sports competition, and how did it make you feel?

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