The Frontier of Opportunity: A Tale of Settlers and Natives

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived settlers who dreamed of a brighter day.
They came to a frontier, wild and new,
But with hope in their hearts, they knew what to do.

They built their homes, they tilled the soil,
And they protected their land with honor and toil.
Except for those who came before,
The natives who had lived on this land's core.

They were pushed back to a reservation,
Denied opportunities without hesitation,
Discriminated against for their race,
Their rights and their dignity they couldn't embrace.

But the settlers knew they had to prove,
That everyone deserved a chance to move,
Forward and find a better way,
To live together in peace and play.

So they reached out their hand,
To the natives on this land,
And they worked hard to provide,
Equal opportunities to help them thrive.

And from that day forward,
The settlers and natives explored,
A new way to live and grow,
Together, with respect and love to show.

So remember, my dear young friends,
To protect, except, and make amends,
For all people, no matter their race,
Have the right to live with dignity and grace.


  1. Who were the settlers and what did they dream of in the story?
  2. How did the settlers protect their land, and what did they do for the natives who were living there before them?
  3. What is discrimination, and how did the natives experience it in the story?
  4. Why is it important to give equal opportunities to everyone, regardless of their race?
  5. What did the settlers and natives do to live together in peace and show respect to each other?

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