The Echoes of the Gorge

Deep in a gorge, with walls so high
A chamber lay, where echoes thrive
And if you listen very close
You'll hear the sounds of nature's dose

An opportunity awaits you there
To figure out what's everywhere
Explore and learn, and then you'll see
The wonders of this world so free

But be careful as you creep along
For nature's creatures can be strong
An encounter with them can be intense
So listen and learn, and use your sense

If you explain your curiosity
The creatures might just let you be
And from the chamber, you'll emerge with glee
A new appreciation for all you see.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about "The Echoes of the Gorge":

  1. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  2. How did the child's encounter with nature in the chamber make them feel?
  3. What did the child learn about respecting and appreciating the environment during their adventure?
  4. What other types of creatures do you think the child might have encountered in the gorge?
  5. If you were to explore the chamber, what sounds do you think you would hear echoing off the walls?

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