The Golden Flute and the Wise Old Owl

In the fields of green and gold,
Where the gale winds blow so bold,
A little bird with a flute so fine,
Played a tune that filled the sky.

The notes were sweet, they soared and swirled,
And all the animals in the world,
Paused their games and listened closely,
To the melody that rose so softly.

But then a little mouse did stagger,
And bumped into a chisel, rather,
The flute fell and shattered so,
Leaving the bird feeling low.

But then a wise old owl appeared,
And with a twinkle in his eye, he cleared,
His throat and spoke so vaguely,
"Let's rebuild this flute, and play it loudly!"

And so they did, with hammer and glue,
And when they finished, the sound it drew,
Was even sweeter than before,
A golden tune, that left them all in awe.

So now the bird plays every day,
And all the animals come to sway,
To the music that fills the air,
A reminder that even broken things can repair.


Here are some questions to ask kids to help them think about "The Golden Flute and the Wise Old Owl":

  1. What did the little bird use to make music?
  2. Why did the other animals stop to listen to the bird's music?
  3. What happened to the flute when the mouse staggered and bumped into the chisel?
  4. Who helped the little bird and his animal friends fix the broken flute?
  5. How did the bird feel after the flute was repaired?
  6. What did the wise old owl teach the animals?
  7. Have you ever broken something and thought it was ruined forever? What happened?
  8. What is the moral of the story?

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