The Marvelous Fir: A Magical Tale of Joy and Wonder

In a forest glade, so green and bright,
There stands a tree of wondrous height,
A fir so tall, a marvel to see,
Its evergreen boughs so grand and free.

With ornaments so bright and fine,
It shines like gold in sunshine,
And though the winds may blow and tease,
Its branches sway with such ease.

But oh, how bothersome it can be,
To hang each ornament, one, two, three,
Yet still we strive to make it so,
A magical sight, a glorious show.

And as we flit from branch to branch,
We feel our spirits start to dance,
For in this tree, so proud and tall,
We find a reason to rejoice and call.

So let us sing and clap our hands,
And spread the joy throughout the land,
For this evergreen so strong and fair,
Brings happiness beyond compare.


  1. What kind of tree is the Marvelous Fir, and why is it so special?
  2. How do the ornaments and finery on the tree make people feel?
  3. Why do you think the bothersome task of decorating the tree is worth it?
  4. What does the tree symbolize in the story?
  5. Can you think of a time when you were filled with joy and wonder, like the characters in the story?

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