The Secret Code Talkers of Choctaw Forest

Deep in the forest, under the trees,
Lies a world of secrets, hidden with ease.
A code that only a few can decipher,
The language of Choctaw, like a magical cipher.

The code talkers spoke in glyphs and signs,
Their messages hidden in the undergrowth vines.
To interpret their words was a special skill,
A secret code that only a chosen few could reveal.

With bravery and skill, they fought in the war,
Their code kept the enemy at bay, kept them afar.
The code talkers' secret, so clever and true,
Saved many lives, and their country too.

So young ones, learn about this special code,
About the brave code talkers, who on battlefields strode.
And know that in every code lies a mystery to solve,
And with a little effort, you too can be a code talker, bold and evolved.


  1. What was the special skill of the code talkers?
  2. How did their code help in the war effort?
  3. Why was the Choctaw language used as the secret code?
  4. Do you think you have what it takes to be a code talker?
  5. What can we learn from the bravery and intelligence of the code talkers?

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