Whales: Beneath the Surface

Beneath the ocean's surface deep,
Where mysteries of the deep do keep,
There are creatures, big and small,
Whose features may amaze us all.

There's a whale with baleen plates,
To sift the krill that it creates,
And blubber to insulate,
Against the cold, its size is great.

With sonar clicks that bounce and ring,
It navigates as it swims and sings,
Through the water, dark and blue,
A mighty hunter, strong and true.

Keratin protects its skin,
And helps its flukes to sweep and spin,
To push the water, make it flow,
And travel to where it wants to go.

Gestation takes many months,
Before a baby whale it hunts,
Born ready to swim and play,
And grow up big and strong one day.

Its esophagus is quite long,
To help it swallow krill, so small and strong,
And so the whale can thrive and grow,
And swim the oceans, to and fro.

So next time you see a whale,
Remember all its special tales,
And how these creatures live and play,
Beneath the waves, day by day.


  1. What is blubber, and why is it important for whales?
  2. How do whales use sonar to navigate and find food?
  3. What is gestation, and how long do whales typically carry their babies before giving birth?
  4. What is baleen, and how do whales use it to eat?
  5. What is krill, and why is it an important part of a whale's diet?
  6. What is keratin, and what part of a whale's body is made of this material?
  7. How do whales use their flukes to move through the water?

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