The Enchanted Fishing Adventure in Louisiana

In the heart of Louisiana, so enchanted and fair,
Lived a group of young kids, who loved to fish and to dare.
They headed to the river, their lines and bait in tow,
Ready to catch some fish, and see what the day would show.

One boy, he cast his line, with a persimmon for bait,
And soon enough he felt a tug, his heart began to race.
He reeled in his line, and what did he find,
A catfish, big and bold, with a personality so kind.

Another girl, she waded in, to see what she could find,
She searched around the riverbank, her eyes so bright and kind.
She spotted a crawdad, so small and so shy,
And with a little fiberglass net, she caught it without a cry.

But one thing that was intolerable, was the heat and the sun,
So the kids decided to take a break, and have some fun.
They laughed and they chatted, and ate some food,
And then it was time, to get back to being rude.

The day was long, and full of fun,
And as the sun began to set, they knew they were done.
They packed up their gear, and said their goodbyes,
Promising to return, to see what else they could find.

So if you're ever in Louisiana, and want to go fishing too,
Just remember the adventures, that these kids went through.
With catfish, persimmons, crawdads, and more,
The river is full, of things to explore.


  1. What was your favorite part of the fishing adventure and why?
  2. If you could catch any fish in Louisiana, which one would you want to catch and why?
  3. How did the kids show kindness to the catfish they caught?
  4. What would you do if you saw an animal in the wild that you've never seen before?
  5. How did the fiberglass net help the girl catch the crawdad?

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