The Farmer's Invention and his Dream for Equality

Once upon a time, long ago,
There was a farmer, named Joe.
He worked hard in the fields all day,
Growing crops in his own special way.

Joe knew all about agriculture,
And how to make his plants flourish.
He used fertilizer to give them nutrients,
And watered them regularly, no accidents.

One day, while he was working in the field,
He thought of an idea that made him yield,
He'd become an inventor, he'd create something new,
To help farmers all over, this idea was true.

He thought of a machine that would plant the seeds,
And harvest the crops, with minimal needs.
He worked hard and finally made it,
His invention was a hit, he had hit the summit.

Joe shared his invention with all his friends,
They were grateful to him, until the very end.
They could plant and harvest their crops with ease,
No more worries, no more fees.

But Joe's story doesn't end here,
For he had a dream, he was clear,
He wanted to see a world without segregation,
And he believed it was possible, without any hesitation.

He worked hard, spoke up, and he fought,
He even met with Congress, and he taught,
That we should all be equal, no matter our skin,
We're all human, we all win.

Joe became a professor, and taught many more,
How to grow crops, and even more,
How to fight for what's right, and to never give in,
That's how Joe lived, and that's how he'll win.


  1. What did the farmer invent and why was it important?
  2. How did the farmer's invention help other farmers?
  3. Why did the farmer believe in a world without segregation?
  4. What did the farmer do to fight for equality?
  5. What lessons can we learn from the farmer's story about hard work and determination?

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