The Organist and the Prodigy: A Tale of Music and Hope

In a monastery, tall and grand,
There lived an organist so grand,
He played the keys with skillful ease,
And made the organ's music breeze.

One day a prodigy did come,
With a talent that had just begun,
The organist was smitten so,
And taught him all that he did know.

Together they played a concerto,
That made the crowds just overflow,
With music that was probable,
And scales that were so audible.

But one day came a dreadful time,
The prodigy had lost his shine,
He played a requiem so sad,
And all who heard it felt so bad.

But still the organist played on,
With hope that soon a new dawn,
Would bring a talent just as fine,
To play the organ so divine.


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. What did the organist teach the young prodigy?
  3. What happened to the prodigy's talent?
  4. How did the organist feel about the prodigy's loss of talent?
  5. What was the name of the musical piece they played together?
  6. How did the requiem the prodigy played make the listeners feel?
  7. Do you think the organist will find another prodigy to teach?
  8. How did the story make you feel about music and hope?

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