Adventure on the Barge

Once upon a time, on a sunny day,
A barge floated by, down the beckoning way,
Its sails billowing in the gentle breeze,
And its trustworthy crew, sailing with ease.

On the shore, a young lad stood,
Watching the barge as it passed by his neighborhood,
His energy had been exhausted from playing all day,
But the sight of the barge made him want to stay.

He muttered to himself, "I wish I could fetch,
A ride on that barge, and escape this brambly wretch."
As he stood there, dreaming of the sea,
A tingle went down his spine, and he felt free.

But beware, young lad, of the dangers that lie ahead,
For the waters may be infested, and you must tread,
Carefully, with your eyes wide open and alert,
And if you must utter a word, make sure it won't hurt.

So, young ones, remember to trust in yourself,
And be wary of the world's brambles and its stealth,
For with courage, determination, and a little luck,
You can sail the seas and come back unstruck.


  1. What did the young boy feel when he saw the barge passing by, and what did he dream of doing?
  2. What are some of the dangers the boy might encounter on his adventure?
  3. What are some of the qualities that make the barge crew trustworthy?
  4. How does the boy overcome his exhaustion to pursue his dream of adventure?
  5. What can we learn from the boy's journey, and how can we apply it to our own lives?

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