The Best and Worst of Friends

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to play games. They would play every day and keep track of who won the most, the least, the best, and the worst.

One day, they decided to have a big tournament to see who was the best of the best. They played many games and kept track of their scores.

At the end of the tournament, they found out that the friend who won the most games was also the best player. He was very happy and proud of himself.

However, the friend who won the least games was feeling down. He thought he was the worst player and was upset that he didn't do as well as the others.

But the best player, who was also the most kind, went to the friend who won the least and told him, "Don't worry, we all have our ups and downs. Sometimes we do worse, but that's okay. What's important is that we keep trying and have fun."

The friend who won the least felt much better after hearing this and they all continued to play games together, having fun and cheering each other on, no matter who won or lost.

In the end, they learned that it's not about who wins the most or the least, but about enjoying the game and being a good sport. And that was the best lesson they learned of all.


  1. Who won the most games in the tournament?
  2. How did the friend who won the least games feel?
  3. What did the best player say to the friend who won the least games?
  4. What did the friends learn at the end of the story?
  5. Why is it important to have fun while playing games?
  6. What does it mean to be a good sport?

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