The Monk and the Archer: A Tale of Justice in the Forest.

Once upon a time, in a forest so green,
Lived a monk who was often glum and lean,
He spent his days writing with a quill,
Recording tales of creatures both big and small.

One day, a cruel archer came to the wood,
His spiteful arrows were sharp and so crude,
He aimed his shaft at every living thing,
Without a warrant, he hunted like a king.

The monk watched in horror as creatures fell,
He knew that they had been duped by this spell,
He knew he had to act, to make a stand,
For justice to reign in this wondrous land.

With quill in hand, he wrote a powerful plea,
Calling upon all creatures to be free,
He wrote of the archer's wicked ways,
And how he aimed to ruin their happy days.

The creatures heard the monk's wise words,
And they gathered together like a flock of birds,
They marched towards the archer with a plan,
To put an end to his cruelty and his brand.

The archer saw them coming and took aim,
But the creatures had a trick up their sleeve,
They had a warrant, signed by the king,
Forbidding the archer to hunt or do anything.

The archer was shocked and full of fear,
He had been duped by the creatures so dear,
He hung his head and left the wood,
While the creatures celebrated as they should.

And so, the monk's words and his quill,
Helped bring justice to the creatures of the hill,
They lived in peace and harmony once again,
Thanks to the monk, their hero and friend.


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. What was the problem in the forest, and how did the archer contribute to it?
  3. How did the monk use his quill to help the creatures in the forest?
  4. What was the plan that the creatures came up with to stop the archer's cruelty?
  5. What do you think the creatures learned from this experience?

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