Lost in the Woods

In the forest and the fields,
Live creatures of different yields,
Some have sharp teeth and claws,
While others nibble on plant straws.

The first is called a carnivore,
It hunts and feeds on flesh galore,
Its carapace is strong and tough,
Protecting it from others' rough.

The second one's an omnivore,
Eating both meat and greens for more,
Its plastron and scutes are set,
As a shield from danger's threat.

But there's one that's quite unique,
Its diet makes it seem meek,
A herbivore, it eats only plants,
A false crawl, not one that prances.

So if you see a turtle friend,
Check their carapace from end to end,
They might be a herbivore,
Or a carnivore with a mighty roar.


  1. What would you do if you were lost in the woods?
  2. How did the children in the story work together to try and find their way home?
  3. What dangers can you face in the woods and how can you stay safe?
  4. Why is it important to always stay close to your family and follow the instructions of adults when out in nature?
  5. Have you ever been lost or felt lost in a new place before? How did you handle it?

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