Adventures of the Young Sailor Crew

Come gather 'round young sailors all,
And listen to my tale,
Of a brave and daring crew of kids,
Who set out to sail the gale.

Their ship was strong and sturdy,
Its hull was stout and true,
With a mast so tall it scraped the sky,
And a course that led them through.

They sailed to exotic lands afar,
Where treasures lay in wait,
And with their trusty submarine,
They explored beneath the strait.

On deck they stood, with eyes alight,
As they searched the horizon wide,
And when they spotted their next prize,
They set out on the tide.

Their propeller churned the water,
As they chased the pirate's plunder,
And with a mighty heave and ho,
They claimed it all for under.

So come aboard, young sailors brave,
And set your sights on high,
For with a ship as strong as this,
There's nothing you can't try.


  1. What kind of ship did the young sailors have, and what made it special?
  2. What kinds of exotic lands did the sailors explore, and what treasures did they discover there?
  3. How did the sailors use their submarine to help them on their adventures?
  4. Who were the pirates, and why were the young sailors trying to plunder their treasure?
  5. What was your favorite part of the story, and what adventures would you like to have if you were a young sailor?

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