Sky High Adventure: A Paratrooper's Tale

High in the sky, up so high,
A world of wonder waiting by,
A paratrooper, brave and bold,
With an altimeter, he's in control.

He checks his gear, he checks it twice,
A rigger's work is always nice,
With a ripcord by his side,
He's ready to take the dive.

He steps to the edge, and takes a breath,
The wind is rushing, his heart is set,
He leaps out into the blue,
And begins his free fall, true.

With his birdman suit, he glides and soars,
Through the air, he bravely roars,
Adrenaline pumping through his veins,
As he sails through the sky like a plane.

He arches back, he steers his flight,
A master of the air, so bright,
And as he lands, safe and sound,
A smile spreads, he's touched the ground.

So if you ever feel the need,
To take a leap, to be set free,
Just remember the paratrooper's call,
And take the jump, you'll have a ball!


  1. What kind of equipment did the paratrooper use to jump out of the plane?
  2. How did the paratrooper feel while he was free falling?
  3. What did the paratrooper use to steer his flight through the air?
  4. What do you think it would feel like to jump out of a plane and soar through the sky like a bird?
  5. Would you ever want to try skydiving or any other kind of extreme adventure like the paratrooper in the story? Why or why not?

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