The Athletes' Defiance: Overcoming Hate in Ancient Times

In ancient times of glory past,
A city-state was built to last,
Athletes trained to be the best,
And in their strength they felt blessed.

But amidst their joy and pride,
A shadow fell, dark and wide,
A Nazi horde with hate and scorn,
Attacked the city in the morn.

Yet even as the racists came,
The athletes stood strong, unashamed,
They marched in solemn procession,
And defied the Nazi aggression.

And so they fought with all their might,
Against the darkness and the blight,
And though they faced great pain and loss,
They never let their spirits cross.

For in their hearts they knew the way,
To rise above the hate and fray,
And through their trials and their strife,
They found the sauna of new life.

So let us learn from those before,
Who faced the worst, yet kept the score,
And in our hearts let's always hold,
The hope of peace that they foretold.


  1. What did the athletes in the story do when the Nazis attacked their city?
  2. How did the athletes show their strength and resilience in the face of racism and hate?
  3. What can we learn from the athletes in the story about standing up to discrimination and injustice?
  4. What do you think the sauna in the story represents, and how does it relate to the athletes' experiences?
  5. How might the story have been different if the athletes had given in to fear and hate instead of standing up to it?

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