The Wonders of the Animal Kingdom

Come gather around, my dear young friends
And listen to this tale I'll send
Of creatures big and creatures small
Of how they live, how they stand tall

Some animals move from place to place
To find new homes and warmer space
Migrate they do, like geese in the sky
To a better land, they fly and fly

Others hide away from sight
Using their camouflage to blend in right
Scales and snouts, they have it all
Passive, they wait for their prey to call

But some predators do exist
With suction cups and a sharp twist
Parasites, they cling and bite
Making their host's life less than bright

And so, my friends, you see
The habits of the animal kingdom, free
From migration to camouflage
They all have their way to entourage

And as we learn and understand
These creatures, both big and grand
We can appreciate their unique ways
And live in harmony, day by day.


  1. What are some examples of ways animals use camouflage to protect themselves in the story?
  2. Can you think of any other animals that migrate like geese, and why do you think they might do that?
  3. What are some characteristics of a predator, and can you think of any examples of animals that fit that description in the story?
  4. What is a parasite, and how does it affect the host animal it attaches itself to?
  5. What can we learn from the story about the importance of respecting and appreciating the diversity of the animal kingdom?

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