The Guardians of the Endangered Ecosystem

In a region far away,

Where the ecosystem holds sway,

There exist creatures endangered,

And their future we must safeguard.

Diversity is their feature,

A complex web they create,

From fungi to lichen to scat,

They all play a vital role in their fate.

Each one has a definition,

And a purpose to serve,

In this reserve that we protect,

Where they can flourish and preserve.

So let us all do our part,

To keep their habitat clean and pure,

For we need them as much as they need us,

To ensure a future secure.


  1. What is an ecosystem, and why is it important to protect it?
  2. Why is it essential to preserve the diversity of living creatures in an ecosystem?
  3. What are some things we can do to help protect endangered species and their habitats?
  4. Can you name some of the living creatures mentioned in the story and explain their role in the ecosystem?
  5. How can we learn more about the endangered ecosystems in different parts of the world?

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