The Magical Garden Adventure

In a forest deep and wide,
There are trees on every side.
Some are tall and evergreen,
They're called coniferous, you've seen.

Their needles point up to the sky,
And make a canopy way up high.
But there are other trees around,
That are different, you have found.

These trees lose their leaves each fall,
They're called deciduous, one and all.
Their structure's different, you see,
But they're just as important to me.

In an old-growth forest, there's a lot to see,
So many species, living free.
Each one has its special place,
In this wild and wondrous space.

So next time you walk through a forest old,
Look up high and down below,
And see the trees, so tall and grand,
In their home, in their land.


  1. How did the young girl discover the hidden garden?
  2. What were some of the wonders and adventures that the young girl found in the garden?
  3. What was the most interesting thing the young girl discovered in the garden and why?
  4. What did the young girl learn about herself during her adventure in the garden?
  5. If you could explore a magical garden, what would you hope to find and why?

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