Patter's Perfect Fetch Adventure

Come gather around, young ones so bright
I've got a tale for you, that's sure to delight
It's all about a pup, so loyal and true
Who went on an errand, just for his master's due

His name was Patter, a furry little friend
Who'd follow his master, till the very end
One day, the master had a task to complete
He needed a stick, to make a toy so neat

He called out to Patter, who came running fast
His little tail wagging, he was having a blast
"Go fetch me a stick, my faithful little pup
I'll be delighted, if you help me out"

Off Patter went, with a spring in his step
He searched high and low, and even leapt
Till he found the perfect stick, oh so fine
He picked it up, and ran back in time

His master was waiting, with a smile so wide
He took the stick, and held it with pride
"You're quite the master of fetch, my little mate
And this resort to you, is something great"

Patter barked, and jumped up with glee
He was happy, as happy could be
For he knew that he had done a good deed
And that's all that mattered, indeed!


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. Who is the main character in the story, and what is his name?
  2. What did the master ask Patter to fetch for him?
  3. What did Patter do to find the perfect stick for his master?
  4. How did Patter feel when he successfully completed his errand?
  5. Why do you think Patter's master was delighted with him?
  6. What are some other tasks that Patter might be good at, based on his fetching skills?
  7. What lessons can we learn from Patter about being a good friend and helper?

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