Jamie's Scottish Card Adventure

Once upon a time, in Scotland, there was a young boy named Jamie who loved to play cards. He was a member of the Youth Card Association and was very good at the game.

One day, Jamie and his friends decided to go on a trip to Scotland and stay in a hostel. They were very excited about the adventure and couldn't wait to see all the beautiful sights.

At the hostel, Jamie and his friends met a group of young people who also loved to play cards. They soon became friends and started playing cards every night. Jamie was amazed by the skills of the other players and learned a lot from them.

One day, Jamie had an idea. He wanted to write a book about all the different card games he had learned on his trip to Scotland. He spent the next few days writing and soon, his book was ready.

He showed the book to his new friends, who were impressed by his writing. They encouraged him to share his book with others and soon, Jamie's book became very popular among the youth card association.

And that's how Jamie became a famous writer, all because of his love for cards and his trip to Scotland. The end.


  1. What was Jamie's favorite thing to do?
  2. What happened when Jamie and his friends went to Scotland?
  3. Who did Jamie meet at the hostel?
  4. What did Jamie write about?
  5. What happened to Jamie's book?
  6. What did Jamie learn from his trip to Scotland?
  7. Why was Jamie's book so popular among the youth card association?

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