The Venomous Ant: A Tale of Diagnosis and Cure

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a young child who loved to play.
But one day, something went wrong,
And the child felt very unwell all day long.

The doctors were called, and they did assess,
To find out what was causing such distress.
They discovered a disorder that was embedded inside,
And a diagnosis was made, which they did not hide.

The culprit, it seemed, was a venomous ant,
Whose bite caused clotting and discoloration, quite grand.
But the doctors had a solution in hand,
An antivenom that would help the child stand.

The child got better, and was soon up and about,
Playing with friends, without any doubt.
But the memory remained, of the day when,
A venomous ant caused so much pain.

So remember, dear child, to be careful of ants,
And other creatures that may cause you harm.
But don't worry, the doctors are here to help,
With medicine and care, to make you feel like yourself.


  1. What caused the child to feel unwell?
  2. What was the culprit behind the child's illness?
  3. How did the doctors assess the child's condition?
  4. What was the solution to the child's illness?
  5. Why is it important to be careful around ants and other creatures in nature?

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