The Courageous Kid and the Thunderous Sky

Once upon a time, in a gloomy old town,
A young kid meandered around,
With a tome in their hand, they wandered alone,
And on thunderous skies, they heard a low moan.

Terrified and tentative, the kid looked around,
Trying to assess what caused that sound,
But being proactive, they didn't back down,
And walked towards the noise, without a frown.

As they sauntered ahead, they saw a section,
Of a building's premises in a dire condition,
And on closer inspection, they found the cause,
A tree had fallen, breaking all the laws.

The kid's explanation to the passers-by,
Was clear and concise, without any lie,
And everyone around, was filled with admiration,
For the young one's courage and determination.

So kids, be proactive, don't be scared,
Even if the road ahead seems impaired,
Assess the situation and take the lead,
And who knows, what great things you might achieve!


  1. How did the kid react when they heard the thunderous noise?
  2. What did the kid find when they went to investigate the cause of the noise?
  3. How did the kid explain what had happened to the passers-by?
  4. What do you think made the kid brave and proactive?
  5. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to be brave and proactive?

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