Embracing Citizenship, Love, and Justice: A Call to Respect Civil Rights and Make the World Bright and True

In the world of words and ink,
An editorial is what you think,
A piece of writing meant to inspire,
To give details and expose desire.

Citizenship is a right we hold,
To continue to learn and be bold,
Our Autobiography, our unique story,
The amendments make us free and glory.

We must avoid the hate and fear,
Embrace the love, let it draw near,
And stand up for what's just and right,
In every challenge, every fight.

The civil rights that we possess,
Must be respected, no more, no less,
For every person, every creed,
We must be the change we want to see.

So take these words and hold them tight,
And let them guide you through the night,
For in the end, it's up to you,
To make the world bright and true.


  1. What is an editorial and what is it meant to do?
  2. What is citizenship and what rights do we have as citizens?
  3. Why is it important to avoid hate and fear and embrace love, and what can we do to stand up for what is just and right?

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