The Brave Path: Tales of the Underground Railroad

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
A group of brave people set out one day,
To devise a plan to help those in need,
Urgently seeking freedom from a life of greed.

They formed a path known as the Underground Railroad,
Helping fugitives escape, before they could be sold,
They hid them in secret places, and helped them to flee,
Feverishly working, to set the captives free.

The journey was long, and the nights were dark,
Haunted by the fear of being caught in the park,
But they kept going, with a lullaby in their hearts,
A song of hope, to keep them from falling apart.

The journey was tough, but they found some joy,
In the little things they had, like a quilt or a toy,
Made from cornhusks, to keep them warm,
A symbol of love, to weather the storm.

Some people scolded them, and tried to annoy,
But they kept on moving, with a spirit of joy,
For they knew they were doing what was right,
Helping others find freedom, and end their plight.

So, children, remember this tale of old,
Of the brave souls who were kind and bold,
And when you face darkness, as we all do,
Let their courage inspire you to see it through.


  1. What is the Underground Railroad, and why was it important?
  2. How do you think the people who helped the fugitives on the Underground Railroad felt about what they were doing?
  3. What kind of challenges do you think the fugitives faced while trying to escape to freedom?
  4. What did the quilt made from cornhusks symbolize in the story?
  5. Why do you think it was important for people to help others find freedom, even if it meant breaking the law?
  6. How can we apply the courage and determination shown by the people on the Underground Railroad to our own lives today?

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