The Adventure of the Mischievous Monkey

In the jungles and forests so wide,
Lives a creature with so much pride.
A primate with a tail so long,
A prehensile grasp so strong.

Some live in the Old World so vast,
With habitats they've known since the past.
While others roam the New World too,
Where they explore and start anew.

An anthropoid they are,
So intelligent and bizarre.
In their natural habitats they thrive,
Swinging and climbing to stay alive.

These primates are so fun to see,
They live in trees and roam free.
If you ever get the chance to spy,
You'll see them swinging up high.

From the Old World to the New,
They'll put on a show just for you.
So let's all take a moment to pause,
And appreciate these primates without any flaws.


  1. What was the name of the mischievous monkey in the story?
  2. What did the monkey do when he saw a group of children playing in the park?
  3. How did the people in the town feel about the monkey's behavior?
  4. What did the monkey do when he visited the grocery store?
  5. How did the story end?

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