Guardians of the Habitat: A Tale of Preservation and Diversity

In the savanna, wide and vast,
Many creatures roam and last,
Their habitats so diverse and grand,
A world of wonder, across the land.

Some creatures migrate, to and fro,
In search of food, to help them grow,
Others stay put, in their domain,
Living their lives, without much strain.

Preservation is key, to keep them alive,
To make sure they thrive and survive,
For some have gone, extinct and lost,
Their memory, now an artifact of cost.

In the estuary, where the river meets the sea,
A different habitat, a world of mystery,
A place of designation, where life takes root,
A precious ecosystem, without dispute.

And up in the fjord, where the mountains meet,
A place of beauty, so serene and neat,
Where life can flourish, in harmony and peace,
A world of wonder, for all to seize.

So let us cherish, each habitat and place,
For the diversity of life, it's an endless race,
To preserve and protect, what we hold dear,
For generations to come, far and near.


  1. What is the savanna and what kind of creatures live there?
  2. Why is it important to protect the habitat of animals in the savanna?
  3. Can you think of any animals that migrate and why do they do that?
  4. What is an estuary and why is it an important ecosystem?
  5. Have you ever seen a fjord before, and why do you think they are unique habitats?
  6. What can we do to help preserve the habitats of animals and protect the environment?

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