The Frog with a Brogue

Deep in the forest, where the trees stand tall,
Lives a creature in a lair, quite small.
It's said to be a dragon, fierce and grand,
But I'm here to debunk that tale, take a stand.

With a click of a button, a tap of a screen,
I'll show you the truth, like you've never seen.
Using sonar and radar, we'll scour the land,
And find out what's hiding in the peat and the sand.

No dragons here, just a frog with a brogue,
Hiding away, in the shadows and fog.
A creature so unique, with a voice so rare,
Singing a song, like nothing else out there.

So let's remember, not everything's as it seems,
And myths and legends aren't always what they mean.
But the world is full of wonders, big and small,
And we can find them, if we look for them all.


  1. What did the child think was living in the lair before they started investigating?
  2. How did the child use technology to help uncover the truth?
  3. What did the child find hiding in the peat?
  4. Why is it important to debunk myths and legends?
  5. What lesson can you learn from the story about not judging things based on appearances?

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