The Brave Little Explorer

Skin graft, clotting, venom, and shock,
These are things that give us a shock.
But don't you worry, dear little one,
With a little heed, we'll soon be done.

If a snake bites you with its venom,
You might feel dizzy and become numben.
But antivenin is the magic cure,
It will make you feel better for sure.

If you get hurt and have a bruise,
And if you feel unconscious and lose,
It's important to rule out any harm,
And get some help to stay calm.

Sometimes a skin graft might be needed,
To fix a wound that's left untreated.
And if your body's not clotting right,
Don't worry, it will be alright.

If you see a predator on the prey,
Just keep your distance and stay away.
And if you're ever feeling paralyzed,
Take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Remember the symptoms and signs,
And be aware of the dangers that lie behind.
But with a little caution and care,
You'll stay safe and sound, without a scare.


  1. How do you think the main character felt when she first set out on her adventure?
  2. What were some of the obstacles she faced on her journey, and how did she overcome them?
  3. How did the main character change and grow throughout the story?
  4. What did you think of the illustrations in the story? Did they help you understand what was happening in the text?
  5. Do you think you would like to go on an adventure like the main character did? Why or why not?

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