The Longhouse and the Hearth: A Tale of Quahogs, Deerskin, and Nasump

Come gather 'round, young ones, and hear a tale so true,
Of the people who lived in a land that was new,
Their homes were longhouses, with hearths in the center,
Where they cooked and told stories as the flames grew brighter.

The men went out hunting with their muskets in hand,
Searching for deer to provide food for the land,
Their skins were then tanned to make clothing and more,
For warmth in the winter when the winds would roar.

And what of the clams, the quahogs of the sea,
They were a tasty treat, a delicacy,
Gathered by the women in baskets with care,
To be roasted on the hearth, a feast to share.

But there was one food that stood out from the rest,
A porridge called Nasump, they loved it the best,
Made from corn and beans, it filled them with glee,
A nourishing meal for the Cherokee.

So now you know the story of this people so grand,
Who lived off the land, and made their homes stand,
With longhouses, quahogs, deerskin, Nasump, and more,
Their way of life lives on, and we honor it for sure.


  1. What was the Cherokee people's way of life like?
  2. What were some of the foods that the Cherokee people ate and how were they prepared?
  3. How did the Cherokee people make their clothing and what was it made from?
  4. Why was the hearth so important in the longhouses?
  5. What did the Cherokee people use muskets for?
  6. What can we learn from the way the Cherokee people lived off the land?

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