Fiery Wonders: A Tale of Volcanic Power

Beneath the ground, deep down below
Lies a world of fiery glow
Magma bubbles, hot and bright
A powerful force, with all its might

Sometimes it spews from the earth
Like a geyser of great mirth
Shooting high up in the air
A breathtaking sight, so rare

A surge of power, a cloud of steam
A natural wonder, like a dream
A crater forms, where once was ground
A place where lava can be found

The lava flows, a molten sea
So beautiful, yet dangerous it can be
A dormant beast, lying still
Yet ready to erupt, with such a thrill

And when it does, a caldera forms
A crater so big, it transforms
The landscape, into a brand new scene
Nature's power, truly unseen

So let's admire from afar
These wonders that are so bizarre
And respect their power, so grand
For in their presence, we stand.


  1. What is magma and where is it found?
  2. What is a geyser and how does it work?
  3. What happens when a volcano erupts?
  4. What is a crater and how is it formed?
  5. Why should we admire volcanoes from a safe distance?
  6. What might happen if we get too close to a volcano?
  7. Have you ever seen a volcano in real life or in pictures or videos?
  8. What other natural wonders exist in the world and how are they formed?
  9. Can you think of any ways that we can protect ourselves and our communities from the dangers of volcanoes?
  10. If you were to write a story about another natural wonder, what would it be and why?

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