The Ants' Journey: Overcoming Challenges in the Garden

Deep in the garden, a colony of ants
Marched around in wavy lines, taking their chance
Their thorax and abdomen wiggled in sync
As they followed a scent, not once did they blink

One little ant got lost on the way
It wandered off course and started to sway
But a wise old ant came to its aid
Guiding it back to the colony's shade

The ant's journey wasn't over yet
It molted its skin and became a pupa, set
To grow and transform with time
Into a stronger ant, a worker in its prime

The moat surrounding the garden's plants
Protected them from tides and floods, but also from ants
So the ants, armed with their saliva, built a bridge
To cross the water, their spirits full of courage

But as they reached the other side, to their dismay
The plants were guarded by a giant, a scary display
So the ants returned to their colony, safe and sound
Ready to face the challenge another day, they were tightly bound.


  1. What challenges did the ants face in the garden, and how did they overcome them?
  2. Why do you think the ants worked together to build a bridge across the moat?
  3. What would you do if you were a lost ant in the garden?
  4. Do you think it was smart of the ants to turn back when they faced a scary obstacle, or should they have kept going?
  5. What lesson did you learn from the story about teamwork and determination?

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