The Clever Prey: A Jungle Adventure

In the jungle where predators roam,
Prey must be clever to find a home.
Some use warning colors to startle and scare,
To warn off danger and predators beware!

Others use blending colors, like a chameleon,
To blend in and hide, and not be seen by anyone.
Some even use disruptive colors, to confuse and disguise,
Making it hard for predators to see through their lies.

But there's one trick that some prey have,
A trick to escape a predator's grab.
They use flash colors or eyespots, you see,
To distract the predator, and quickly flee.

And when the predators are on the hunt,
They know to look for offspring, so small and blunt.
But these little ones use warning colors too,
To warn their parents, and scare off danger, it's true.

So whether you're prey or predator in the wild,
Remember these tricks and be wise like a child.
Use your colors to blend, startle, or disguise,
And always keep your eyes peeled, for a predator's surprise!


  1. What are some different ways that prey animals in the story protected themselves from predators?
  2. What is the difference between warning coloration, blending coloration, and disruptive coloration?
  3. How did the offspring of prey animals in the story help to protect themselves?
  4. Can you think of any other animals that use similar tactics to avoid predators in the wild?
  5. What do you think would happen if there were no prey animals in the jungle?

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