The Adventures of the Tundra Caribou

In the wide and open tundra land,
Caribou roam, a curious band,
With antlers tall and hooves so strong,
They wander free all day long.

On the meager plants they munch and dine,
And search for water in the brine,
But when the snow comes, oh what a sight,
Their fur turns white, as they blend in right.

The ptarmigan, a bird so fair,
Flies high above, without a care,
With feathers brown and white as snow,
It's hard to spot them down below.

The tundra may seem bleak and bare,
But look closer and you'll find, a rare
Beauty that's unique, with each furnish,
That's nature's way to simply embellish.

So come and explore this wild frontier,
Where the caribou roam, without a fear,
And the ptarmigan takes to the sky,
A world so vast, it'll make you sigh.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story and what are their unique characteristics?
  2. What is the tundra and what kind of plants and animals live there?
  3. How does the caribou blend in with their surroundings in the snow?
  4. What is the ptarmigan and how is it different from other birds?
  5. What can we learn from the unique beauty of nature in the tundra?

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