The Joyful Sound of the Taiko Drum

Let's gather 'round, my young friends,
And learn of ancient ways.
We'll talk about the Taiko drum,
And how it came to play.

This percussion instrument is grand,
With rhythm loud and strong.
Its beats can carry far and wide,
And last for oh so long.

The Taiko drum is made of wood,
And crafted with great care.
A cylinder shape, it stands so tall,
A marvel to compare.

In ancient times, the Taiko drum
Was used to call to war.
It signaled brave and mighty men
To fight for peace and more.

But now, we use this drum for fun,
And dance to its loud sound.
We feel the rhythm in our feet,
And move all around.

So come and learn the Taiko drum,
And make some noise with me.
We'll manufacture beats so great,
And set our spirits free.


  1. What is the Taiko drum and what is its shape?
  2. In ancient times, what was the Taiko drum used for?
  3. What is the significance of rhythm in the story and in music in general?
  4. How does the sound of the Taiko drum make you feel?
  5. Have you ever tried to make your own percussion instrument, like a drum or shaker?

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