The Power of the Volcano

On a continent far away
A volcano started to play
Magma bubbled from the earth
An eruption of fiery mirth

The Richter scale started to shake
As the earth began to quake
A fault line broke open wide
And chaos spread far and wide

Mudslides and landslides did abound
As the earth shook with a rumbling sound
But though the earth may cause us strife
It's still a wonder of our life

So let's learn to respect the land
And protect it with a helping hand
For when we live in harmony
We can all be happy and free.


  1. What happened when the volcano erupted?
  2. How did the Richter scale measure the strength of the earthquake?
  3. What can we do to protect ourselves from natural disasters like mudslides and landslides?
  4. Why is it important to respect the power of the land?
  5. What did the people in the story learn from the experience of the volcano?

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