Once upon a time, in a land not too far,
There were young kids who dreamt of being a star,
In their future career, they had an option to choose,
But they knew it had to be something they wouldn't refuse.
Some wanted to be physicians and cure infections,
While others were determined to study anatomy with perfection,
They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they accepted the task,
With a positive attitude, they knew they could complete the task.
The journey wasn't smooth, and there were obstacles in the way,
Improper care could lead to failure and delay,
But they kept their focus and continued to strive,
To prove to themselves that they could achieve and thrive.
Years flew by, and they reached their graduation,
The day they had been waiting for, with anticipation,
They celebrated their success, with smiles on their faces,
And looked forward to the future and all its new phases.
So kids, if you have a dream and an option to choose,
Just remember to work hard, with nothing to lose,
Stay determined, and have a positive attitude too,
You too can achieve great things, and make your dreams come true.
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