The Mysterious Locked Chest

Invisible creatures all around,
Microbes and germs that can be found,
Some are helpful, some can harm,
A virus may spread with great alarm.

An epidemic can quickly arise,
And cause a lot of fear and surprise,
Microorganisms mutate with ease,
And can bring people to their knees.

But don't worry, there is a way,
To protect yourself day by day,
A vaccine can help prevent disease,
And keep you healthy with much ease.

Influenza is one type of bug,
That can cause a lot of coughs and hugs,
During a pandemic, we must be wise,
And take precautions to stay alive.

So wash your hands and cover your sneeze,
And stay away from others if you please,
With good hygiene and a careful plan,
We can beat any virus in our land.


  1. What did the siblings find in the attic and why was it mysterious?
  2. What clues did the siblings find in the chest that helped them solve the mystery?
  3. What challenges did the siblings face on their journey to find the key to the locked chest?
  4. How did the siblings feel when they finally unlocked the chest and discovered its contents?
  5. If you found a mysterious locked chest, what would you do and what do you think you might find inside?

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