The Defiant Colony: A Call to Arms

Once upon a time, in a land far away
There lived some brave folks, with a call to arms to say
They fought against a dictatorship, so cruel and unkind
Defiant they stood, with a mission in mind

They lived on a plantation, where they grew some plants
And formed a little colony, with their own little chants
They worked very hard, with no time to spare
For they knew that their future lay in what they could share

But beyond the fields, beyond the trees
Lay a frontier, so vast and free
And the Anglo settlers, they came in droves
Claiming the land, and all they could behold

The colonists knew they had to stand tall
And fight for their home, before they lose it all
With a call to arms, they rallied their might
And marched to the frontier, ready to fight

The battle was fierce, and the struggle was real
But they stood their ground, with a heart of steel
And in the end, they emerged victorious
For they fought for their land, and all things glorious

Now they live in peace, in a land of their own
Where the sun always shines, and the breeze is known
To carry the sweet scent of their plantation
And the memory of their fight, against all temptation.


  1. What challenges did the colonists face, and how did they overcome them?
  2. How did the colonists feel when they were facing the dictatorship and Anglo settlers, and why do you think they were able to stand up to them?
  3. Why was the plantation important to the colonists, and how did they manage to keep it and their colony despite the challenges they faced?
  4. What did the colonists do to prepare for the call to arms, and what did they learn from this experience?
  5. What can we learn from the story of the Defiant Colony, and how can we apply these lessons to our own lives?

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