Dancing with Joy: A Celebration of Movement and Self-Expression for Children

Come, children, let's dance with glee
With concentration, we'll all agree
We'll go on an excursion, see the sights
And move our bodies with all our might

We'll twirl and leap gracefully
As if we're dancing ballet
We'll be athletic and strong
And keep going all day long

With the scenery around us
We'll dance like a champion
Our bodies will be in motion
And our hearts will beat like a drum

So come, let's move and groove
And dance with all our might
For in this moment, we are free
To be ourselves and shine so bright!


  1. What are some of the movements you can do while dancing with glee?
  2. How does the scenery around us impact the way we dance?
  3. What emotions can dancing help us express?
  4. Why do you think it's important to move and groove?

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