The Wonders of Ships: Tales of Adventure on the High Seas

Come little ones and gather near,
Let me tell you a tale so dear,
Of ships that sailed the vast blue sea,
And all the wonders they came to be.

First, we have the caravel, so grand,
A ship of culture, it ruled the land,
With streamlined hull and mast so tall,
It sailed the oceans, through storm and squall.

Next, we have the clipper ship,
Fast and sleek, it made a quick trip,
With knots of rope and sails so wide,
It traveled the world, on every tide.

But alas, scurvy was a fear,
That plagued these ships, year after year,
But they found a cure, with citrus fruit,
To keep the sailors strong, and their health acute.

Then came the catamaran, so unique,
With two hulls, it was a marvel to speak,
It cut through the waves, with ease and grace,
A modern ship, for a new-found place.

And finally, we have the galleon,
A grand ship, the treasure, it was the one,
With gold and silver, it sailed the sea,
A beauty of the past, for us to see.

So, little ones, as you can see,
The world of ships, is vast and free,
With so many types, we've grown accustomed,
To the wonders of ships, and how they've functioned.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What are some of the different types of ships that were mentioned in the story?
  2. What were some of the challenges that sailors faced when they were at sea, and how did they overcome them?
  3. Which of the ships in the story do you think would have been the most fun to sail on, and why?
  4. What do you think it would have been like to be a sailor on one of these ships, and what would you miss the most about being away from home for such a long time?
  5. Do you think that there are any modern ships that are just as interesting or unique as the ones in the story, and why or why not?

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