Charging Ahead with Courage and Discipline: Dreaming Big with Noble Hearts

Come gather 'round, kids, let's have some fun,
With words of adventure, let's get it done.
Discipline is key, we must all obey,
To become great and mighty, day by day.

We may be young, just minors we are,
But with a noble heart, we can go far.
Like the brave cavalry, we'll charge ahead,
With courage and honor, no need to dread.

An officer we'll be, commanding with pride,
Confirming our strength, as we ride and stride.
An observer, too, with a keen eye,
Watching over the land, as we soar high.

In combat we'll engage, like a fearless pilot,
Fighting for what's right, our hearts full of light.
A biplane we'll ride, through the skies we'll go,
With a rather loud engine, making us glow.

So let's dream big, with passion and joy,
Discipline and courage, we'll never be coy.
For the sky's the limit, our dreams are real,
With our noble hearts, there's nothing we can't feel.


  1. What does the paragraph say about the importance of discipline?
  2. How does the paragraph encourage kids to dream big?
  3. What qualities does the paragraph suggest are important to becoming great and mighty?
  4. How does the paragraph compare the kids to brave cavalry?
  5. How does the paragraph describe the feelings and attitudes of someone who fights for what's right?

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