The Hoax that Wasn't Hilarious: A Lesson in Honesty for Kids.

In a journal, I once did write
About a hoax, that gave a fright
A coincidence, it did seem
But the reaction was extreme

Kids, let's examine what occurred
And whether the story's absurd
It's not hilarious, nor a joke
For someone played a cruel hoax

They elaborated quite a bit
And many people fell for it
But when they found out the truth
They felt devastated and uncouth

So let's be careful what we believe
And not be quick to deceive
It's not kind to be cruel or mean
And honesty is always keen.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. Have you ever heard of a hoax before? What does it mean?
  2. What was the reaction of the people who fell for the hoax in the story?
  3. Why is it important to examine the facts before reacting to a story?
  4. How did the cruel hoax make people feel?
  5. What did the story teach us about honesty and being kind to others?

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