Title: The Determined Girl and Her Tangled Hair

Once upon a time in a far-off land,
Lived a little girl with a comb in her hand.
Her hair was tangled, difficult to tame,
But she was determined, she wouldn't complain.

She knew that beyond the knots and mess,
Lay shiny locks of loveliness.
So she took a deep breath and began to comb,
Adjusting her grip and finding a comfortable zone.

She felt anxious, would it ever be done?
But with each stroke, progress was won.
She focused on the task at hand,
And soon her hair obeyed her command.

Like a sailor with a compass and a map,
She found direction and closed the gap.
Though the journey wasn't always smooth,
She adjusted her course and stayed in the groove.

When she was finished, her hair was so neat,
She felt like a million bucks, oh so sweet!
She put away her comb and smiled with glee,
Knowing that anything is possible, you see.

So remember, dear children, when things seem tough,
Stay determined, and don't give up.
With a little effort and some know-how,
You can conquer anything, here and now!


  1. What did the little girl have in her hand at the beginning of the story?
  2. What was the little girl determined to do, even though it was difficult?
  3. How did the little girl feel while combing her hair, and why?
  4. What did the little girl use to help her find direction while combing her hair?
  5. What did the little girl realize when she finished combing her hair?
  6. What can we learn from the little girl in the story?
  7. Have you ever had to overcome something that was difficult, and how did you do it?
  8. How do you feel when you finally accomplish something that you've been working hard on?

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