The Wild Mustang and the Cattle Drive

Out on the range where the wild winds blow,
A mustang runs with a mighty glow.
His mane and tail are a sight to see,
A true icon of the west, wild and free.

Cowboys in chaps, with their ropes and their brands,
Set out on a cattle drive across the lands.
The days are long, the work is grueling,
But they press on, their spirits unyielding.

The sun beats down, the dust kicks up,
As the cowboys push the cattle to fill their cup.
But they pack nonperishable food for the ride,
To keep them fueled and full of pride.

And when the day is done and the campfire's lit,
The cowboys rest, their muscles fit.
They tell stories of the trail and its fears,
And they all laugh, wiping away their tears.

The mustang watches from afar,
Proud of his kin and their spirit so bizarre.
And when the morning comes with the rising sun,
He'll be off again, his run never done.

So kids, remember this tale of old,
Of cowboys and cattle and the stories they told.
Of the mustang's grace and the cattle drive's grind,
Of the nonperishable food and the peace you'll find.

And always keep in mind as you carry on,
That the West is a place of spirit and brawn.
So ride like the wind and sing your song,
And always know where your heart belongs.


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. What is a cattle drive and why is it important?
  3. How did the cowboys stay fed during their long days of work?
  4. What was special about the wild mustang in the story?
  5. Why do you think the author chose to include nonperishable food in the story?
  6. How do you think the cowboys felt after a long day of work?
  7. What lessons can we learn from the story?

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