Title: The Primate Colony's Fight for Home

In a far-off land, on a continent so wide,
A colony of primates lived side by side,
They swung from trees, played and had fun,
But a threat came along, and their joy was undone.

Their home was threatened, by human immigration,
Their habitat destroyed, with no explanation,
The primates were sad, filled with depression,
Their future uncertain, a worrying impression.

But they didn't give up, they had a plan,
To protect their home, and save their clan,
They worked together, with all their might,
To fight for their home, and what was right.

The primates were strong, and brave too,
They knew what they needed to do,
To save their home, and all they held dear,
Their colony was strong, and they had no fear.

And so, the primates persevered,
Their home was saved, and their future cleared,
They were proud to be mammals, and a primate too,
And knew their strength, would help them through.


  1. How did the primates feel when their home was threatened by immigration and habitat destruction?
  2. What did the primates do to protect their home and their colony?
  3. Why is it important to work together and help others when they're in need?
  4. What are some other ways we can protect the habitats of animals and prevent extinction?
  5. What did you like best about the story and why?

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