The Brave Defenders of Fort Flank

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a fort that was built to protect the people from danger. The fort was in the shape of a square, and the soldiers who guarded it stood in a formation that was called a flank.

One day, a file of enemy soldiers approached the fort, intending to take it over. The soldiers inside the fort were worried, but they remembered their training and stood their ground.

The enemy soldiers charged forward, but the soldiers in the fort stood firm, protecting the fort and the people within it. The enemy soldiers were no match for the strong formation of the fort's defenders, and they were eventually forced to retreat.

The people of the kingdom were overjoyed, and they threw a big celebration to honor the bravery of the soldiers who had protected them. From that day forward, the fort and its soldiers were known throughout the land as the guardians of peace and safety.

And so, the children of the kingdom learned the importance of standing strong and working together, just like the soldiers in the fort. They also learned that with determination and bravery, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.


  1. Why was the fort built?
  2. What was the formation of the soldiers called?
  3. Why were the people of the kingdom worried when the enemy soldiers approached?
  4. How did the soldiers in the fort protect the kingdom?
  5. What did the children of the kingdom learn from the story?

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