Title: "Anubis and the Mummification Process: A Journey to the Afterlife

Once upon a time in ancient lands,
Lived pharaohs, mummies, and magic wands,
Anubis, the god of the dead,
Initiated the process of mummification, he said.

A long queue of people waited outside,
To see their loved ones mummified,
Obeying the rules obediently,
For the final farewell, they did it so willingly.

The process was a bit of an escapade,
As the body was cleaned and linen swayed,
But the Egyptians had the comprehension,
To preserve their loved ones for the afterlife's intention.

Mummification was not just a task,
But a belief system in which they basked,
Anubis, the jackal-headed god,
Guided them through the process with his staff and rod.

So, young ones, now you understand,
The story of mummification in this land,
And Anubis, who initiated the rite,
For a journey to the afterlife, a soul's final flight.


  1. Who was Anubis and what was his role in the mummification process?
  2. Why did the ancient Egyptians believe that mummification was important for the afterlife?
  3. How did the people in the story show obedience and respect during the mummification process?
  4. What can we learn from the story about the ancient Egyptian culture and beliefs?
  5. If you were living in ancient Egypt, would you choose to be mummified? Why or why not?

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